After hosting an 8 year old girl from a Ukrainian orphanage during the 2009 holiday season, our hearts have been opened to international adoption. We adopted our daughter in December of 2010, and while we were there we knew we weren't done. We are now working to raise funds to travel back to Ukraine this Summer! Please consider supporting us either through a donated item, or by purchasing a donated item. Thank you so much! Blessings, J&B

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

We're At It Again!

So, last week I hinted that we had some fun news, but I wanted to keep it kind of down low (No... this is not an adoption announcement!)... But then the lovely IRS got in my way, so, I figured I'd spill the beans in hopes that someone might want to help out...
A little over a month ago, when I was minding my own business,and BAM! I was called to act. I read a bajillion and one adoption blogs. I follow almost every hosting group there is. I usually separate myself pretty well. But when I saw this picture, I had to act. Something more than "awww they're cute" or "Wow, they need a home" happened. The next thing I knew, I was mailing off our application and driving the host coordinator's crazy with my questions. I kind of freak myself out when those moments happen... Those are the moments that no matter how hard I resist, I have to move forward.
We must be crazy- but it's a GREAT kind of crazy to be! We are hosting 2 girls from Western Ukraine for 5-6 weeks this summer. They are almost 7 and almost 10. They don't speak Russian, and none of us speak Ukrainian. Hmmm. Should be interesting! We had planned on using our tax return (Adoption Tax Credit) to bring them here, but it looks like we are being audited along with all of the other adoptive families, so the IRS is (not so kindly) holding our return at this time. Not good for our plan. I am trying not to take this as a "sign", but rather an obstacle that we must overcome. If anyone would like to help us on this latest adventure- we, The Fam of 5, and V and Y would be very grateful.

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